Take a look at our session material and training
Session Plans
Our sessions are designed to deliver aspects of the RE syllabus. Whilst they dovetail particularly well with Understanding Christianity and Discovery, they can easily be adapted to meet any local syllabus.
We all have different starting points.
You might be an experienced schools worker whilst for others, this may well be a new venture.
Whichever is the case, our training will equip you to deliver REinspired sessions.
Our training includes:

Come and See
Attend a live session and see for yourself how a REinspired session works. This will show you what is involved in:
- Setting up and preparing the team and venue.
- How a session is launched and the syllabus or wondering question is introduced.
- How the subsequent small workshops are delivered including the different ways information and story is shared – notice how this suits different learning styles.
- Pick up tips on how to manage your time, resources, and children in the small workshops.
- Learn how we bring the session in to land and revisit the syllabus/ wondering question.
- See how we use our teacher’s feedback to encourage the team and inform our practice.
- See how we review a session to encourage the team and inform best practice.

Online and face to face training
Training is conducted either online or face to face in Reading. In addition there is an open invitation for our partners to join us at our volunteer training mornings which we host at the start of the Autumn and Spring term (September and January) here in East Reading.
These in person events give you an opportunity to get your hands on materials and try different techniques for yourself while being in the company of seasoned team members.