Through REinspired, churches of different denominations work together to bring Christian RE to life for their local schools.

REinspired enables churches of different denominations to come together and celebrate both our diversity and our common Biblical grounding. We work in partnership with schools to deliver the Christian element of their RE syllabus. Our purpose is not to change what pupils believe but to develop their understanding of the Christian faith.
How can REinspired help you?
Attracting children and young people to church is a challenge. As a result many are growing up unaware of what Christianity is about.
REinspired takes a different approach through working with local schools to meet the needs of their educational agenda and through that to build a long term partnership together.
Why work ecumenically?
Community schools don’t favour one faith over another let alone one denomination over another. They certainly don’t want churches competing over access to their pupils.
What schools want is to help pupils understand the similarities and differences between faiths. What makes all these denominations Christian? And if they are all Christian why are there differences?
What better way to demonstrate Christian unity than presenting our distinct traditions together and celebrating both the differences and what we have in common?
“REinspired makes my engagement with a school so much simpler and deeper, but within a well prepared framework.”

Why work with REinspired?
- Welcomed by schools as it’s easily tailored to support their curriculum needs and presents material on topics where they welcome external input.
- Establishes lasting partnerships between churches and local schools.
- Small group working encourages interaction and gives room for pupils to question and explore matters of faith.
- Raises pupils’ awareness of the Christian faith and Biblical truths and introduces them to a church environment in a non-threatening way.
- Grows partnerships between different churches as members work side by side to achieve a common goal. It respects and celebrates differences whilst majoring on what we hold in common.
- Equips and engages your members in mission and builds them into a supportive team.
- Tried and tested material that structures a session into short, manageable chunks, which keeps it stimulating and engaging. This means that volunteers with little experience of working with children and young people quickly gain confidence.
Find out more about the values that underpin REinspired
Interested in delivering REinspired in your schools?
For examples of the material we use please see our session plans